小记:单进程 Redis CPU 负载100%的排查过程
1: 怀疑是否连接数过多
# 查看连接数
info clients
# Clients
# 查看内存
info memory
# 查看慢查询日志
slowlog get [条数]
1) 1) (integer) 455249
2) (integer) 1680136269
3) (integer) 12109
4) 1) "ZADD"
2) "workspace_prod_horizon:supervisors"
3) "1680136269"
4) "cx-workspace-q1zU:supervisor-6"
5) ""
6) ""
2) 1) (integer) 455248
2) (integer) 1680091982
3) (integer) 15771
4) 1) "ZADD"
2) "workspace_prod_horizon:supervisors"
3) "1680091982"
4) "cx-workspace-q1zU:supervisor-5"
5) ""
6) ""
3) 1) (integer) 455247
2) (integer) 1680071973
3) (integer) 31216
4) 1) "COMMAND"
5) ""
6) ""
4) 1) (integer) 455246
2) (integer) 1680056153
3) (integer) 10814
4) 1) "LLEN"
2) "gaoshu_prod_database_queues:location_search_queue"
5) ""
6) ""
1) 日志ID
2) 日志时间戳
3) 耗时(微秒)
4) 执行命令
4: 怀疑存在 Bigkey
# 查询各类型中最大的 key
redis-cli --bigkeys
-------- summary -------
Sampled 163717 keys in the keyspace!
Total key length in bytes is 9539633 (avg len 58.27)
Biggest hash found 'gaoshu_prod_horizon:b0098ae3-b95d-437d-a856-9fb9fc3e3bf9' has 13 fields
Biggest string found 'cx_passport_prod_database_cx_passport_prod_cache:2w6rVB3ssd3hHl2CGzdwiprv8KJkYaGGaqodU2hm' has 494 bytes
Biggest set found 'gaoshu_prod_horizon:measured_jobs' has 26 members
Biggest zset found 'gaoshu_prod_horizon:completed_jobs' has 69 members
0 lists with 0 items (00.00% of keys, avg size 0.00)
152399 hashs with 609929 fields (93.09% of keys, avg size 4.00)
11297 strings with 3026432 bytes (06.90% of keys, avg size 267.90)
0 streams with 0 entries (00.00% of keys, avg size 0.00)
6 sets with 69 members (00.00% of keys, avg size 11.50)
15 zsets with 147 members (00.01% of keys, avg size 9.80)
可以看到,最大的 key 也才 494 bytes、69 members,远达不到影响 CPU 的程序,排除该项
PS:maxmemory-policy = noeviction 时, –bigkeys 命令会执行报错
volatile-lru -> Evict using approximated LRU among the keys with an expire set. 根据LRU算法删除设置过期时间的key
allkeys-lru -> Evict any(任何的,一些) key using approximated LRU. 根据LRU算法删除任何key
volatile-lfu -> Evict using approximated LFU among the keys with an expire set. 根据LFU算法删除设置过期时间的key
allkeys-lfu -> Evict any key using approximated LFU. 根据LFU删除任何key
volatile-random -> Remove a random key among the ones with an expire set. 随机移除设置过过期时间的key
allkeys-random -> Remove a random key, any key. 随机移除任何key
volatile-ttl -> Remove the key with the nearest expire time (minor TTL) 移除即将过期的key(minor TTL)
noeviction -> Don't evict anything, just return an error on write operations. 当内存不足以容纳新写入数据时,新写入操作会报错。
5: 怀疑存在 Hotkey
# 查询访问频率最高的 key
redis-cli --hotkeys
-------- summary -------
Sampled 163703 keys in the keyspace!
hot key found with counter: 63 keyname: gaoshu_prod_horizon:supervisors
hot key found with counter: 40 keyname: bizfin_prod_horizon:supervisors
hot key found with counter: 32 keyname: workspace_prod_horizon:supervisors
hot key found with counter: 19 keyname: gaoshu_prod_horizon:supervisor:cx-gaoshu-U8wW:supervisor-6
hot key found with counter: 18 keyname: gaoshu_prod_horizon:supervisor:cx-gaoshu-U8wW:supervisor-1
hot key found with counter: 17 keyname: workspace_prod_horizon:masters
hot key found with counter: 17 keyname: bizfin_prod_horizon:supervisor:cx-gaoshu-OW8N:supervisor-1
hot key found with counter: 16 keyname: gaoshu_prod_horizon:supervisor:cx-gaoshu-U8wW:supervisor-4
hot key found with counter: 16 keyname: gaoshu_prod_horizon:master:cx-gaoshu-U8wW
hot key found with counter: 16 keyname: workspace_prod_horizon:supervisor:cx-workspace-q1zU:supervisor-4
hot key found with counter: 15 keyname: workspace_prod_horizon:master:cx-workspace-q1zU
hot key found with counter: 15 keyname: workspace_prod_horizon:supervisor:cx-workspace-q1zU:supervisor-1
hot key found with counter: 15 keyname: gaoshu_prod_horizon:supervisor:cx-gaoshu-U8wW:supervisor-2
hot key found with counter: 14 keyname: gaoshu_prod_horizon:supervisor:cx-gaoshu-U8wW:supervisor-3
hot key found with counter: 14 keyname: gaoshu_prod_horizon:supervisor:cx-gaoshu-U8wW:supervisor-10
hot key found with counter: 14 keyname: gaoshu_prod_horizon:supervisor:cx-gaoshu-U8wW:supervisor-11
可以看到,访问频率最高的 key 也才 63 次,并不存在 Hotkey, 排除该项
PS: 同上,maxmemory-policy = noeviction 时, –hotkeys 命令会执行报错
6: 怀疑数据持久化导致的阻塞
执行 htop
, 可以看到,是 redis-rdb-bgsave
数据持久化占用的是IO,并不影响 CPU,考虑是开启了数据压缩导致的 CPU 占用
# 查看是否开启了数据压缩
config get rdbcompression
1) "rdbcompression"
2) "yes"
# 关闭数据压缩
config set rdbcompression "no"
config set save ""
PS: save 的参数含义
save 900 1 // 表示每15分钟且至少有1个key改变,就触发一次持久化
save 300 10 // 表示每5分钟且至少有10个key改变,就触发一次持久化
save 60 10000 // 表示每60秒至少有10000个key改变,就触发一次持久化
PS: 当然,最好是直接修改 Redis 配置文件